GARDEN BARK PREMIUM 5-60mm Used for the whole year to cover ground surface. Before covering the soil with bark, you should rid the soil of grass and weeds. The first time, bark layer should be about 7–8 cm per square meter (the volume of one bag). By using this product you [...]
Milled Garden Bark for Mulching
Bartosz Karpiński2021-05-13T10:50:41+00:00MILLED GARDEN BARK FOR MULCHING Used for the whole year to cover ground surface. Before covering the soil with bark, you should rid the soil of grass and weeds. The first time, bark layer should be about 4–5 cm per square meter (the volume of one bag). By using the product [...]
Garden Bark 0-60mm
Bartosz Karpiński2021-05-13T10:52:02+00:00GARDEN BARK 0-60mm Used for the whole year to cover ground surface. Before covering the soil with bark, you should rid the soil of grass and weeds. The first time, bark layer should be about 4–5 cm per square meter (the volume of one bag). By using the product you ensure [...]